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13 de febrero de 2012

Atlas Of Oral Implantology

  • Hardcover: 489 pages
  • Publisher: Mosby; 2 edition (April 15, 1999)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 155664552X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1556645525
  • Product Dimensions: 12 x 9.3 x 1.3 inches

Atlas of Oral Implantology, 2nd edition

By A. Norman Cranin, DDS, FAAID, FICD, FAAHD, FADM; Michael Klein, DDS and Alan M. Simons, DDS

ISBN 155664552X / 9781556645525 · Paperback · 504 Pages · 1300 Illustrations
Mosby · Published May 1999

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Atlas of Oral Implantology Chapter 2: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Chapter 3: Evaluation and Selection of the Implant Patient Chapter 4: How to Choose the Proper Implant Chapter 5: Prosthetic Options That May Influence Implant Selection Chapter 6: Preparation for Implant Surgery Chapter 7: Soft Tissue Management and Grafting Chapter 8: Hard Tissue Surgery and Bone Grafting Chapter 9: Root Form Implant Surgery Generic Chapter 10: Root Form Surgery: Proprietary I Chapter 11: Root Form Surgery: Proprietary II Chapter 12: Blade and Plate Form Implant Surgery Chapter 13: Ramus Frame and Ramus Blade Implant Surgery Chapter 14: Mandibular Subperiosteal Implant Surgery Chapter 15: Maxillary Pterygohamular Subperiosteal Implant Surgery Chapter 16: Intramucosal Insert Surgery and Prosthodontics Chapter 17: Endodontic Stabilizer Implant Surgery Chapter 18: Transosteal Implant Surgery, Including the Mandibular Staple Bone Plate and Alternatives Chapter 19: Crete Mince and other MiniImplant Surgery and Prosthodontics Chapter 20: Preliminary Prosthodontics: Fabricating a Template Chapter 21: Provisional Prostheses Chapter 22: Root Form Prosthodontics: Abutments Chapter 23: Root Form Prosthodontics: Single Tooth Restorations Chapter 24: Root Form Implant Prosthodontics: Fixed and Fixed Detachable Prostheses Chapter 25: Implant Prosthodontics: Hybrid Bridge Fixed Detachable Prostheses Chapter 26: Implant Prosthodontics: Overdentures and Their Mesostructure Bars Chapter 27: Principles of Occlusion in Implantology Chapter 28: Diagnosis and Treatment of Complications Chapter 29: Maintenance and Hygiene Appendices A Past Medical and Dental History B Laboratory Values C CAD-CAM Computed Tomography D Stereolithographic Reproduction of Anatomic Structures Using C-T Scan E Treatment of Metals F Implant Surgery Consent Form G Postoperative Guidelines for the Surgeon H Postoperative Instructions for the Patient I Recommended Diet Following Implant Surgery J Implant Patient Follow-up Form K Equipment Manufacturers L Distributors of Musculoskeletal Tissue M Antibiotic Prophylactic Regimens

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