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13 de febrero de 2012
Default Principles and Practice of Implant Dentistry
2/13/2012 10:01:00 p. m.
Publisher: Mosby; 1ST edition (March 30, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0323007678
ISBN-13: 978-0323007672
Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 8.8 x 1 inches
"The authors' thorough knowledge of the surgical, as well as the restorative aspects of implant dentistry...contribute to a well-written and well-illustrated textbook. One of the many positive aspects of the 790 illustrations was that a very high percentage of them are on the same page to which they are referred.
For this reviewer, the crux of the textbook was the chapter on choosing the appropriate implant modality, based primarily on the available bone. The authors also list the overlapping areas of use for the different implant types, and guidelines are provided for choosing a specific approach.
Because of the provided in-depth review of basic implant subject matter (treatment planning bone healing, quantifying remaining bone, implant materials and design, etc.), the book would be a good addition to the library of both the inexperienced student as well as the seasoned practitioner."
- Journal of Prosthodontics - December 2003
Book Description
A full-color dental textbook that offers a completely new approach to the study of implant dentistry. In this highly procedural text, each surgical technique is presented clearly and distinctly in a step-by-step fashion. This book is for undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, and continuing education students, as well as for current practitioners who are students of implant dentistry in the broader sense, those who wish to deepen their knowledge and expand their scope of treatment. Whereas most implant dentistry literature tends to focus on complex cases, this book meets the need for instruction that focuses on the safe and predictable cases that comprise the majority of what the typical implant practitioner encounters in practice
aporte: euta
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